Keeping Wild Animals Out of Your Home

Changing human behaviors can also be a very effective means to humanely move an animal from one area to another. We humans have habits that can sometimes attract animals. For instance, not firmly sealing garbage cans can be a very enticing attractant for animals. When cold months begin the smell of our garbage can attract hungry critters. To keep them away, simply seal the can tighter and be sure nothing is left outside of the can.

Some people leave pet food out on decks and porches. While our pooch or kitty may love this, so do wild animals. To keep unwanted critters from wandering into living areas keep pet food inside.This will deter wildlife from wandering where domesticated animals live and play. This can help to prevent harm to both pets, humans, and wildlife.

Protecting Your Home from Carpenter Bees and Other Wildlife

Keeping wild animals, such as carpenter bees, away from your home is essential for various reasons. Carpenter bees should be taken seriously because of their potential to cause structural damage. These insects bore into wooden structures to create nests, weakening the wood over time and potentially leading to costly repairs. Beyond the structural concerns, carpenter bees can also be a nuisance, as their constant buzzing and hovering near nests can be unsettling. Implementing measures to deter carpenter bees and other wild animals from your property is vital for preserving your home’s integrity and maintaining a peaceful living environment. Taking these pests seriously and addressing infestations promptly can save homeowners time, money, and frustration in the long run.

Modifications to buildings are another humane way to keep wildlife away from living areas. Your neighborhood raccoon or owl, snake or bat with find opening in roofs and eaves, and even outbuildings. These openings will invite them inside where they can be warm and safe from predators.

Keeping up to date on home repairs and making sure any openings or breaks in walls and rooves are fixed will deter nesting activity. If a critter gets into attics and walls, they can cause a lot of problems. The easiest is that they will burrow in insulation and leave droppings everywhere. The difficult issues will be in finding and removing them as well as potential dangers to wiring and the integrity of the building.

If the animal has been removed from attics or walls be sure to have the area well inspected. Chewed on wires can cause dangers to electrical systems and can even be the cause of a fire. To be sure that the dwelling is safe for you and your family, always have all areas around where the animal was removed well inspected and cleared.

Once the animal has been removed, be sure the issue has been completely eradicated. The removal specialist should assess whether or not the immediate issue has been eradicated or if the long-term outcome has been attained. Simply getting the animal out of an attic or outbuilding is not sufficient.

Make sure any openings are closed, and that steps have been taken to assure that the animal does not have ready access to a new opening or break. Making sure that a long-term outcome has been reached is not just good for the animal, it is also in the best interest of the people involved. Make sure that repellents are used, fences are secure and that anything that may attract wildlife to the dwelling has been removed.


655 Main St, Delta Colorado 81416 US


Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm